Corgi Chronicles

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The Corgi Chronicles: Delving Deeper into the World of the Queen’s Favorite Canine When you think of Corgis, what comes to mind? The Queen’s favorite canine? Or perhaps those adorable, short legs and big ears? The Welsh Corgi has indeed become one of the most recognized and beloved breeds globally. However, there’s a lot more to these canines than their adorable appearance and royal connections. The Legend of the Corgi Let’s start with a little Welsh legend.…

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An Unbearably Embarrassing Morning

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For most of my life, I’ve tried to live by a mantra - “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” Translation? Being first isn’t always the best. But as I pushed my forties, with graying hair and an expanding waistline, I thought maybe waking up early for a run might do me some good. This one morning, I felt exceptionally energetic and decided to head out for a run way earlier than my usual time.…

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First post

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Today is extremely hot, about 98F (37C for those who’s not familiar with imperial units). I’m too curious why we’re still using this outdated measurement system here in US. Metric system is much more convenient, and all of the scientists use that. I can understand why we may choose to use imperial units for measuring liquids or weight. For example, it’s much easier to ask for a “pint of beer” than for “half a liter of beer”.…

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