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Hot summer Today is extremely hot, about 98F (37C for those who’s not familiar with imperial units). I’m too curious why we’re still using this outdated measurement system here in US. Metric system is much more convenient, and all of the scientists use that. I can understand why we may choose to use imperial units for measuring liquids or weight. For example, it’s much easier to ask for a “pint of beer” than for “half a liter of beer”. That gets even more difficult, and pronouncing “five hundred milliliters of beer” can become a serious challenge after a few glasses. Likewise, a pound seems reasonable. When I’m hugry, I can eat a pound of steak. A good bowl of soup or stew will probably weight about a pound. So, that’s convenient. A kilogram of steak or a soup would probably be too much for a single meal. So, what about an ounce? Well, one may reason that it’s a single shot of espresso. However, Americans don’t drink coffee as shots of espresso, while Italians who do, don’t use imperial units. So, ounce is a stupid unit, in my opinion, though it’s still more convenient than a gramme, for most practical applications. Like, if you want a good portion of whiskey, then two ounce is more convenient to think of than fifty seven grammes.


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